10 July 2012

Head count - yet again

Lets take a 40mm square stand with 8 infantry figures on it as a French brigade (about 4000 men) or for the Prussians a third of the battalions of a division - again 4000 men.  To make French divisions work we allow the artillery of a French division - 24 four pounder guns and a half-dozen machine-guns - as a stand.

Lets also allow one stand for a cavalry brigade of 2 regiments - with 2 cavalry figures (perhaps 3 for Prussian), a 30mm front, and about 1000 men.

So, at that rate, here is the Army of the Rhine, as commanded by His Imperial Majesty Napoleon III

Corps Division Infantry 4 pdr 12 pdr Cavalry 4 pdr HA
Guard 1 2 1

Guard 2 2 1

Guard cavalry

3 1
Guard reserve

2 1 2 1

2 2 2 1

2 3 2 1

2 cavalry

2 reserve
1 1
3 1 2 1

3 2 2 1

3 3 2 1

3 4 2 1

3 cavalry

3 reserve
1 1
4 1 2 1

4 2 2 1

4 3 2 1

4 cavalry

4 reserve
1 1
6 1 2 1

6 2 2 1

6 3 2 1

6 4 2 1

6 cavalry

6 reserve
1 1
Army Res. 1 cav

2 1
Army Res. 2 cav

2 1
Army Res. art.

32 22 8 17 12
128 66 24 51 36
256 22 8 34 12

The infantry of the Army of the Rhine, aside from the Guard,  is pretty much all line troops - zouaves, turcos and the like were with Macmahon.  The 14 Cavalry brigades can be organized as near as matters by type as follows.  This is really a compromise for the Guard, but having one horse figure of each type would be a bit "naf"

Type Brigades Figures
Guard Chasseur a Cheval 1 2
Guard Lancers 1 2
Guard Cuirrassier 1 2
Chasseur a Cheval 3 6
Dragoon 5 10
Hussar 1 2
Lancer 1 2
Cuirrasier 2 4
Chasseur  d'Afrique 2 4

17 34

On the cavalry front, at least, it all looks quite colorful.

But is a total of  91 stands in 28 formations (divisions and corps) just too much?  For a game that is supposed to play in 2-3 hours with uncertainy and approach marches, even assuming half the stand are blinds, are there too many decision points?  Do we have to get down to corps as the working units, and divisions as stands?  On the other hand, this is the whole OB.  Mars-la-Tour proper was a bit smaller action.  This is also still a viable scale to do a short game of some of the smaller battles.

1 comment:

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